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In Partnership With:


ErieBank 8 Great Tuesdays at the Highmark Amphitheater at Liberty Park

FREE LIVE MUSIC 6:30 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.

(No admission after 9:00 p.m.)

Our 2024 Band Line-up

Click Here To Check Out Their Social Medias!

7/9: Blue Morning Band (A Foreigner Tribute Band)

Opening: The Funk

7/16: The Clarks

Opening: Matthew Crays

7/23: LGM

Opening: Eaglez Tribute Band

7/30: Norman Nardini

Opening: Bushan and the Magic Beans

8/6: Billy Price

Opening: Danger Bird

8/13: Turnstiles (A Billy Joel Tribute Band)

Opening: MK Fischer
Presented by: PNC Bank

8/20: John King

Opening: Hellz Bellz (An ACDC Tribute Band)


Opening: PianoPunk

July Schedule
August Schedule

Season Sponsors

2022 highmark
2022 ecgra logo 405666_ecgra_logo_rgb
Beige Neutral Minimalist Photo Collage
Boyer RV
Erie Beer Company

2024 Sponsors

Boyer RV Center
DH Steel Products, LLC.
Encompass Health
Erie Beer Company
Erie Water Works
Erie Homes for Children and Adults
Erie Metropolitan Transit Authority
Fire Fighters Union IAFF Local 293
First National Bank
Gannon University
HBK CPAs & Consultants
Knox Law
Kress Financial Services
MacDonald Illig Attorneys

 Lucas Wealth Management: Associated RBC Wealth Management 
National Fuel Gas
Northwest Bank Federal Resources
Pam Novel
PNC Bank
Process and Data Automation
Quinn Law Firm
Richards and Associates
Schaffner Knight Minnaugh Company
Team Hardinger
Urban Engineers, Inc.
USI Insurance Services
White Lodging
Whole Health Orthopedic Institute
Wm. T. Spaeder

Event Policies

entry policy

  • Motorcycles are no longer permitted to park within the park.
  • Motorcyclists are encouraged to utilize spaces in the park and ride lots as available.
  • Access from the water’s edge is NOT permitted (boaters, kayakers, and other vessels are NO LONGER permitted to access Liberty Park via the water’s edge).
  • Water bottle filling stations will be located around the park.

Frequently Asked Questions

Will there be vendors?

Yes!  Food and other vendors will be available before and during the event.  They are located on the east side of the park.

Can I smoke during the event?

Smoking is permitted in the designated areas on the southwest and northeast corners of the park.

Where are the bathrooms?

Portable toilet facilities are available in the northeast corner of the venue and the southern parking lot across from the playground.

Is there accessible parking?

Accessible parking (placard required) is available in the northernmost park and ride lot just outside of the park and it first-come-first-served.  Golf cart shuttles run throughout the event to aid in the transport of people to the seating area.

Are there any entrance or age policies?

In order to help ensure the continuation of a family atmosphere and also accommodate children at Port Authority-sponsored events, the Erie-Western PA Port Authority has adopted the following policy:

  1. Children under the age of eighteen (18) MUST BE ACCOMPANIED by a parent or guardian. Parent or guardian must complete the Responsible Adult form and MUST REMAIN ON THE PREMISES as long as the child is present.
  2. No loitering will be tolerated in the parking areas at the playground or in and around vending areas.
  3. In order to properly enforce this amended policy, all individuals, eighteen years of age or older must be prepared to show valid photo I.D. Acceptable forms of I.D. are as follows: PA or out of state driver’s license, Student I.D. card, Military I.D., passports or State photo I.D.’s. Damaged or unreadable I.D. card will not be accepted.
  4. No one will be admitted to Liberty Park after 9pm.
When do the gates open?

Generally, the gates to Liberty Park open at sun up and remain open until sundown.

Can I bring a tent or “beach” umbrella?

For the enjoyment of everyone in attendance, tents, umbrellas and sunshades are not permitted during the event.

What about bikes, skates and skateboards?

For the safety of all in attendance bikes, skates, skateboards, etc. are not permitted during events.  Bike racks are located near the east and west entrance gates.

Just how many people can you fit in the park?

Estimated capacity of the grassy seating area is 5,000.

How do I become a vendor at 8 Great Tuesdays?

CLICK HERE to submit an inquiry regarding vending.

How do I rent a tent at the top of the hill?

20′ x 20′ tents at the top of the hill can be reserved as part of our sponsorship program. To inquire about pricing and available opportunities  CLICK HERE.

How do I suggest a band to play at 8 Great Tuesdays?


Parking & Shuttle Service

Free Shuttle Service: Ride the “E.”

Shuttles run 5pm until after close of the event from the following locations:
Erie Intermodal Transportation Center (208 East Bayfront Parkway)
Thomas Hoffman Transportation Hub (12th and Lincoln)

Port of Erie: Opportunity in Every Direction