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About Port Erie

Mission Statement: To promote industrial, commercial, and recreational opportunities on Presque Isle Bay and adjacent waters.

The Port of Erie is located on the southeast shore of Lake Erie in a natural bay formed and sheltered by Presque Isle, Pennsylvania. Erie´s harbor entrance channel is 29 feet deep.

Board of Directors

Jeffrey W. Brinling

Sharon L. Knoll

Carl Wolfrom

William Panitzke


Board Members

Daria Devlin
Patrick Groner Jr.
Scott Hitz
Jamie Martin-Stewart
William Petit, P.E.
David Uhlig


Julie Slomski
Executive Director
814-455-7557 Ext. 228

Anna Frantz
Deputy Executive Director
814-455-7557 Ext. 223

Ericka Knight 
Chief Financial Officer
814-455-7557 Ext. 225

Tony Pianta
Associate Director of Facilities & Harbormaster



Brian Barnes
Accountant/Public Records Officer
814-455-7557 Ext. 229

Joanna Puccio
Office Administrator
814-455-7557 Ext. 221

Janet Lyngarkos
Accounting Clerk
814-455-7557 Ext. 222

Timothy M. Sennett, Esq.
General Counsel

Port of Erie: Opportunity in Every Direction