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Click Here for Online Reservations!

Lat, Lon: 42º09’01.99″N, 80º,04’42.25″W
Foot of Port Access Road
We’re excited to announce the opening of  our campground  expansion with 11 brand-new RV sites and 3 tent-only sites.  
After-Hours Information

Emergencies or Reservation Confirmation: 814-434-3078

NOTE: Reservations cannot be made or modified through this contact number.*

Camping season runs from May 1- October 31

Check In: 2PM  |  Check Out: 12PM

Download the campground rules and regulations here.

lampe campground

Campsite Features

  • 56 Waterfront Campsites alongside Lampe Marina
  • All sites include water and electric (20 30 & 50 amp)
  • Restroom Facilities and Dump Stations
  • All sites are back-in sites
  • 24-hour security
  • FREE public boat launch
  • Picnic Tables
  • Fire rings at all sites
  • Laundry
  • Shower Facilities
  • Bike path to bayfront attractions and Presque Isle State Park
  • Nearby boat rentals, fishing charters, and FREE public boat launch ramps

Lampe Campground Rates

Reservations can be made one (1) year in advance from the check-in date. No Seasonal Sites Available.

With 48hr. notice
Without 48hr notice
1 DAY Pay in full $25 No refund
2 -7 DAYS Pay in full 1-night stay * 2-night stay *
8 – 21 DAYS Pay in full 2-night stay * 3-night stay *
MONTHLY 50% 2-night stay * 3-night stay *

*Rate charged will be the highest daily rate of reservation.

Deposit amounts and cancellation fees vary depending on length of reservation. Notify Lampe Campground by 3:00 P.M. two (2) days prior to your scheduled arrival.

No show sites will be held for one (1) night and released by check out the following day if the customer has not contacted the campground.

Refund credit will be issued within two weeks of request.

Early Departure Policy

Any customer with an early departure forfeits any special offer or rates for the stay.

Early departure customers will be charged for the number of days stayed plus a maximum of two (2) additional days (amount not to exceed original reservation amount) to accommodate our cancellation policy. No refunds will be given for holidays, holiday weekends, or special events.

Monthly customers wanting to depart early will be considered a day-to-day reservation and will be charged accordingly for their stay plus two (2) days. Thus, a refund issued would be the monthly rate minus this amount.


Lampe Marina Campground is located on Erie’s Waterfront District at the foot of the Port Access Road.

I-79, I-79 North onto the Bayfront Parkway. Proceed East to Port Access Road. North on Port Access Road to Lampe Campgrounds

I-90, Exit 32 North (East Side Access Highway) to Bayfront Parkway. Proceed North along the Port Access Road to Lampe Campground

Download the Campground Map PDF here.

Port of Erie: Opportunity in Every Direction